Well fall quarter came to an end on December 11th, 2008 at about noon. :D And with being on academic probation, I had to work my butt off to make sure I got good enough grades so that my financial aid would not be taken away. Academic probation at Eastern is that if you get a GPA lower than a 2.0 then they watch your grades the next quarter to see if you are doing better and if it happens again then your financial aid is taken away until the grades are raised. So I did not want to risk that.
As the title of this says all that hard work paid off in the end.
Intro to Psychology 2.9
Math (Quantitative Reasoning) 3.2
Biological Investigations 2.6
Developmental Psychology 3.8
I am very pleased with my grades this quarter. I will end up retaking Biological Investigations though because I would like to have a 3.5 average for all of my science classes. It will give me a better chance in the premed and medical field to become a doctor. And if you think I'm crazy, well just think about this: would you want a doctor who got an average of 2.5 or 2.6 in their science classes to be operating on you? haha
Way to go Amanda!!! :-)