Monday, December 15, 2008

My Loving, Erratic, Hair-Brained Mother

Here I sit, on my sister's bed at my mother's house with my laptop in my lap...go figure. haha. I hear my mother on a conference call to her work in the kitchen/dining room. She is a medical transcriptionist and types away constantly whenever she is on the clock. I only hear her frantic typing whenever I decide to come and stay the night with her. I know she appreciates my company considering she always checks up on me almost once if not twice or three times everyday since I moved out a year and three months ago.

She just recently got hung up with my sister on the phone and sounded frustrated, mildly shouting "I swear she is going to drive me up the wall". While I know my mother says this at least once a day about my sister, Kyla, I think sometimes my mom forgets that Kyla is still a teenager. That is still no excuse for her actions at times. My sister has been with her boyfriend for six months now and he no longer lives with my mom, her boyfriend, and my sister. So my sister tries to go spend the night at his place whenever she gets the chance. The sad part about that is, that Kyla gets more distant with my mother and more disrespectful with her each and everytime she goes and stays at his place. Yesterday while opening at work with her Kyla looks at me and says "I swear when I turn 18, I am moving out. She doesn't realize that she is driving me out of the house." It saddens me to hear her talk of our mom like that.

We all go through our phases of thinking "Why does mom worry about me so much?" or "Why is mom all 'up in my business?" or something of the sort. It is just a part of life and growing up. But the phrase "You never know what you got until it's gone" holds true. I realize how hard-working my mother is. She raised us as a single parent. My birth father left her before I was born. And while my mother was married to my sister's birth father, my acquired father, for 15 years, they sadly divorced about 7 years ago. And sadly this past July 2008 passed away making it hard on all of us even though he was not in our lives as efficiently as he was those 15 years. My mom has and does date here and there. She's been with this last boyfriend for almost a year. But even with dating, she is still in a way a single mother. No one knows her children like she does. No one has seen us blossom into the beautiful young women that we are today.

My mother has become passive with my sister since I have moved out. She doesn't really take a stand and act like a mother. I mean she has her moments. But she tends to try and be her friend rather than a mother. And when she does act like a mother, my sister gets pissy and moans about it. That last phone call was to tell my mom she has cramps and doesn't want to go to work. Well, with working at the same place, who do they call whenever she calls out? Me. Yep and I take one for the team and just do it. Not to let her "get her way" but because it is more money on my paycheck toward my bills.

I think my point to this is that I don't think my sister realizes how much mom does for us.

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