I have been studying Biology since I got home about 3 or 4 hours ago. And I still plan to study it more after I get done messing around online. I have a test on Tuesday and I would like to do really well on it. So studying away I do...that statement didn't make sense...hmm oh well. That's me. Not making sense.
Every month I come to the conclusion that some things about being a girl sucks. I am fairly certain that you know EXACTLY what I am referring to. It is very unwanted haha. But whatever, the joys of being female. From the sounds of it my sister Kyla is dealing with the same thing and takes it out on my mother. Of course she will never admit this to my face. "My mother" is a touchy subject with her. *shrugs* I don't really know how to help with that. Ever since her boyfriend moved out, she gets b****ier with my mom everytime she comes home from seeing him. Hormones I guess. She will grow out of it hopefully, sooner than later I hope. Cause even though my mom frustrates me to no end, I still love her and want to be there for her when she needs me (which seems to be a lot lately). Not the whole give her everything and wait on her hand and foot but yeah like the daughter she can confide in when she's having a rough time and needs someone to talk to :-D I'm pretty good at filling that part.
I ordered ProActiv about a month ago and it JUST came yesterday. Geez, you would think that they would have like EXCESS amounts of this stuff with how often people order it. Yes I am "jumping on the bandwagon" for it just to try it out. I don't need it as much as some but hey *shrugs* why not.
My "big word" for the day = SPLENETIC.
What does it mean? Irritable and spiteful.
just seems to be my mood....towards work that is.
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